திரைப்பட நூலகம் மற்றும் கற்கை வள நிலையம்
The Avengers
- ஆண்டு: 2012
- Edition: First edition
- இயக்குனர்: Joss Whedon
- Actors: Robert Downey Jr.,Chris Evans,Mark Ruffalo,Chris Hemsworth
- Writer: Joss Whedon (screenplay),Zak Penn (story),Joss Whedon (story)
Summary: Earth's mightiest heroes must come together and learn to fight as a team if they are going to stop the mischievous Loki and his alien army from enslaving humanity.
- Format: DVD
- Languages: ஆங்கிலம்,ரஷ்யன்,இந்தி